Saturday, January 15, 2011

World Markets

World Markets can be defined as markets of the world encompassing all the markets of Asia, Europe, Americas, Australia and Africa. It can be stated that world markets have become more integrated as a result of globalization. The world market is common point where all the markets of the world converge. Hence emerges the concept of world supply or world demand or global supply and demand. World supply and demand are heavily influenced by the export and import of the developed vis-à-vis the developing countries. World markets play a key role in the development prospects of many countries of the world as the fluctuations originated there translates into supply and demand conditions in the home country. This can have adverse effects on home producers and consumers of various goods and services. An example would be the world prices of crude oil which wreaked havoc in many developing countries. World markets can also imply the world stock markets such as those present in the countries of the world as also internationally acclaimed stock exchanges such as the NASDAQ.

America Market
America Market is one among the free market system in the world. Find detailed on America Market along with market indicators.

European Market

European Market has become more integrated with the inception of the European Union (EU) in 1992. EU Single Market truly indicates the free movement of people, goods, services and capital across the member countries.

Germany Market

Germany Market is a highly developed market in the world. The market in Germany is generally based upon the doctrine of Social market Economy. Find more on Germany Market.

Japanese Market

In Japanese Market, the best performers are banking, insurance, real estate, retailing, automobiles and telecommunications sector.

Singapore Market

Spain Market

UK Market

Mexican Market

Netherlands Market

Asian Market

Australia Market

Belgium Market

Boston Market

Brazil Market

China Market

Eastern Market

France Market

Global Market

Hong Kong Market

Indian Market

Italian Market